About me

I grew up in the Netherlands, but reside in Switzerland since 1995, where I work as a professional medium, artist and teacher. After three and a half years in the Middle East,  life brought me to Switzerland for a position in the cultural field. In the eighties the Dutch medium Sita ten Cate introduced me to mediumship and her help made me  familiar with the contact with the so-called dead and the spiritual world. During that same time anthroposophy crossed my pathway and with the contents of Rudolf Steiner's philosophy I decided to internalize the spiritual teachings he gave to humanity. I trained my mediumship with Sita ten Cate and at the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted (UK). 


Communication with the world of the so-called dead
The contact with the world of the so-called dead inspires me since my childhood. I always have been convinced that our loved ones in the spiritual world surround us. In my work as a spiritual medium it is a blessing to experience that for the client  the messages from a dear loved one have a healing effect and help in a situation of bereavement, a personal difficult situation or trauma.
Especially Rudolf Steiners vision on the world of the dead helped me to a deeper understanding of the spiritual world. Although we will - as long as we live in a physical body - not understand that world, we are able to read and learn about it. This helps also to accept our own mortality and the future that lies in front of us.



 Spiritual Healing

The healing sessions take place together with my husband. We work with our spiritual team, from whom all the support, healing and blessings originate. The different helpers assist us in a large variety of issues, may these be physical or psychological. Silence and relaxation play an important role during the sessions, in order to enhance the process of self healing. 


Important: a healing treatment does not replace a doctor's consultation or prescribed medical treatment.

Regression Hypnotherapy
Embracing the past through remembrance.
During regression hypnotherapy sessions the client goes into a self-hypnosis to identify the core of the question. Accompanied by my voice he/she travels to the past, which lies in ourselves as the history of each soul - the cumulative total of lives spanning many centuries - is recorded in the person's subconscious mind.
A session takes in general 2 hours.

My writings
Two books have been written during spirituel contact with my friend Sita ten Cate (1926 - 2012) after her passing. Sita, a well-known clairvoyant and medium in Holland in her time, also worked for radio and television. The book "Your Child in a Different Light: Why your Child needs a Spiritual Education" is available in English on Amazon. 



During a private sitting or a public demonstration I like to draw portraits of the deceased in the spiritual world. This helps the client to overcome grief, as this shows the deceased loved one is still present. Drawing and painting has always accompanied in life. The art work is mainly in pastel or charcoal for the spirit drawings and in oil on canvas for my other work.


Books and paintings in different materials: oil paint, charcoal, pastels, coloured pencils, or Ipad-drawings 





Communication with the world of the so-called dead; spiritual healing; meditation classes; regression hypnotherapy.