In this time in which we are all facing the challenges of living with changes and uncertainties. Spirituality as I experience it, needs to be more spread to those who seek new perspectives in life. Rudolf Steiner (1861 - 1925) is a great inspiration to me. He as a highly developed spiritual guide for humanity, based his work on direct knowledge and perception of spiritual dimensions. He initiated a modern and universal "science of spirit", accessible to anyone willing to exercise clear and unprejudiced thinking. He wrote several books and during his life held a large quantity (6000) of lectures all over Europe. He is the initiator of the bio-dynamic agriculture, the Waldorf School-pedagogy, the anthroposophical medicine, Eurithmy etc. 

Rudolf Steiner shows how we can develop a sense for the spiritual world that lies behind the physical. One of the aspect is the world of the so-called dead. Steiner saw it as one of the necessities for the future of mankind, to be aware of the presence of the dead in our life. He describes during his lectures, the world of the dead and their relationship with the living. In "The Dead are With Us" he speaks about life after death and explains how those who are living on earth, can keep a connection with loved ones who have passed on.

Why does the seeking soul of Man

Strive towards knowledge of higher Worlds?

Because every look - born of the soul -

Into the outer world of Nature

Turns to the question, fraught with longing:

Where is the Being Divine?



("Verses and meditations", translated by George and Mary Adams)

… Dieses Wissen von dem Zusammensein mit den Toten, wird einer der wichtigsten Bestandteile sein, welchen die Geisteswissenschaft den allgemeinen Menschheitsbewusstsein, der allgemeinen Menschheitskultur für die Zukunft einzupflanzen hat. ...

Rudolf Steiner GA 151   La pensée humaine et la pensée cosmique /Berlin, le 5 février 1918 

… Cette connaissance d’être réunie avec les morts, sera une des ingrédients le plus importants, que la science de l’esprit devra implanter pour le futur dans la conscience humaine générale, la culture humaine générale ...



Communication with the world of the so-called dead; spiritual healing; meditation classes; regression hypnotherapy.